Trischa Zorn-Hudson is an attorney and currently works with the U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs. She works as a legal instrument examiner for a 16 state region in helping to protect veterans’ benefits. She is legally blind and uses ZoomText to enlarge print on her computer monitor, and a large monitor to assist her in reading spreadsheets and various legal documents.

Ms. Zorn-Hudson earned her undergraduate degree from the University of Nebraska, and she worked for a number of years as a classroom teacher for special needs students in Indianapolis. After several years of teaching students on the elementary school level, she made a career change and entered Law School. She earned her Juris Doctor degree from the Indiana University Law School in 2005. Although functioning most of her life with little usable vision, she was one of the first recipients of artificial irises and has had improved vision since her surgery. If you are an Olympic follower you might also be interested to know that Trischa Zorn-Hudson is a retired American Paralympic swimmer who holds 55 medals from the Paralympics including 41 gold medals that were achieved in 7 different Olympic Games. She holds 12 World records in swimming, and in 2012 was inducted into the International Paralympic Hall of Fame. She was the first athlete with a visual impairment to receive an NCAA swimming scholarship. She draws from her experiences as an Olympic swimmer to enhance her current work with returning veterans.