Finding Services: A Beginner's Guide to Visual Impairment

Are you having difficulty finding resources or services to assist you in your adjustment to blindness or low vision? Are you new to vision loss and wondering what to do? Are you a relative or friend of someone who has lost or is losing vision? Are you trying to keep working while coping with a visual impairment? This video was created in response to comments from people who are visually impaired who participated in research projects conducted by the National Research and Training Center on Blindness and Low Vision (NRTC) at Mississippi State University. It explains and provides contact information for the major agencies or organizations supporting people with vision loss. A transcript of the video and a list of the resources described are available as stand-alone documents in the "Resource" section. Reach out to agencies or organizations that can get you or your loved one the support they need to live independently, become or remain employed, or regain a job. 

Video Chapters

The video is broken into chapters listed below. Click on the chapter name to go directly to that portion of the video. 


Vocational Rehabilitation

Older Individuals who are Blind Programs

Blind and Visual Impairment Rehabilitation Services (BRS)

Private Agencies

National Library Services for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS)

Other Resources

Higher Education

Organizations for People with Visual Impairments


Video Transcript

Resource List